I can really feel the tension of Lower 6 now.
Entry to Lower 6 can prove to be my saving grace after failing JPA, Matriculation and Public Universities Pre-U studies. And I am really aware life of Sixth Former will be VERY TOUGH. I doubt I can manage this huge tension.
Honestly speaking, I can't wait to report it next week. I certainly can't afford to let this holiday boredom to rot me even further.
God bless you all!
Oh ho, I don't think you guys can start lessons yet. Most likely it will be just oritentation & other staffs first. Then ENJOY your HOLIDAY AGAIN! After Gawai festival, only then start your lessons offically. wakaka! That is the most likely thing to occur! However, if you already in full gear mode, that quite good! F6 is really not an easy job!
wow smk baru offers f6 now? going into f6 in the middle-year is tough, many thing to catch up. good luck bro. last time i quit after a few months.
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