Even though at times I didn't like the excessive jumping that makes no sense at all, I still content with what I had been though the rally.
The picture may suggest that I looked bored, but NO NO NO I was good. Haha
As the title said, the rally had 2 awesome speakers.
Fr. Stan Fortuna, a Franciscan priest from Bronx, New York. He has traveled around the world, preaching Gospel in his special ways.
He makes hip hop, rap and rock a more soul-moving instrument to bring us closer to God's most infinite love. It's his 3rd year in a row that he came here, and the youths are just loving it.
Another one of Prof. Robert "Bob" Rice, a professor from Steubenville, Ohio. He is more into country music, and more into bringing Catechism in a more youth-friendly way.
In a theme of "Home Run" (yeah kinda sounds like baseball), both of them presented more on the journey towards Heaven, the eternal home. On how we should ever be faithful and loving towards God and one another.
The Master of Ceremonies throughout the rally... like him or hate him, he's loved by God. :)
There was a concert as well, and my brother and I were so "privileged" to have a front seat.
Really cool, aside from the problematic sound system. Share with you a cool video.
It's really a shame that we cannot took part in photo sessions because we were urgently called back to depart to Sibu.
Anyhow, it's still a good experience. Kudos to all in organizing committee, music ministry, 2 great speakers, and above all, PRAISE AND THANK GOD for everything.
God bless you all!
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