July 7, 2008

I got caught

I know I should not have done this, but sadly, I DID THIS AGAIN.

You know what is that?


Ah, why I can't just shake off this bad habit? Sleep like this very comfortable meh?

Oh come on....

And before I go, I have made up my mind.

I am going to change to Biology class. It's subjected to Principal's approval, but I hope I can go through it.

Certainly I hope this will not be too late for me. Having known and discerned that Physics is definitely not where I belong, I hope I can do well in this equally-hard Biology.

There's gonna be lot's of memorizing and animals dissecting tasks coming right up!

For sure, this could be my hardest decision so far in my life. It's really like a gamble. However, what's important is that I must shake off my laziness and get my "engine" running, NOW!

OK, back to studies again. God bless everyone!

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