July 12, 2008

Thank you, team

It has been a week since the Annual Parade. My siblings were still overjoyed by their victorious and triumphant, if not unexpected win.

However, I think my school team was a team of forgotten heroes and heroines. They really deserve something for their dedication, and patience for my relentless anger thrown onto them.

Thank you to the teachers, the commander, the flag barrel, plate card holder, and also, the team. I sincerely believed, even though my school didn't win anything, our heads are still held high with a top-half finish.

Get it right everyone, I AM NOW WITH SMK BARU MIRI. NO longer a Josephian (though it still have a great deal of my heart, you know, I had spent 5 years there.)

And I felt so good this year as a spectator. Haha...

Cheers everyone! God bless you all!

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