March 24, 2008

Cham lo...

I am having a big problem now. And I am really out of my mind now.


OH NO....

Really, I have not been able to "complete my business" for a couple of days or so. And now, I think due to that, I am feeling extra uncomfortable, dizzy, sleepy, sores all around my body.

And when the body shows such signs, I know it's never going to be good.

So how now? Anyone can help me?

God bless and happy Easter again....


little princess said...
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Anonymous said...

duh..ahh..thrs a way to solve this problem..i recommend u eat pitted prunes (sunsweet)'s really work n efficient after u eat it.ahha..i m sure u can completely finish ur business after u eating it .ahahha..=)..good luck for u..hop this way could help u =)

frm rou..

Anonymous said...

take cool fresh milk + egg early in the morning......