July 1, 2007

Should start study by now

Mum have been pivotal in pestering me to STUDY. Yeah, thanks Mum. Thank you for your continuous pesters. I love you so much.

Studying seems the BIGGEST and MOST IMPORTANT for students.

Most people will think that....

But not for me.

I always heard people say,

And lot's more bla bla bla bla.....

But then, I simply don't get the sense for what's the point for studying so hard. Yeah, I know SPM is approaching so damn near, but I still don't get the sense and point to study.

Even though friends around me start their Ferrari, or Mercedes, BMW, Lamborghini, Proton or whatsoever engine-powered brain to study, I still don't get the sense to study.

Just say, I am afraid of facing realities. Just say, I am a loser to myself. OK, I am LAZY. I am speculating and corrupting my mind.

I am still very much DISTRESSED of studying. I am not joking, it's TRUE.

There is something more important than studying right now.... I always believe in this.

God bless you all!

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