February 14, 2008

No Valentine's again

It's the globally famous Valentine's Day today.

It's another barren year again. With all my former school friends all departing to their own way, it's no receiving and giving away of presents. Oh, how I miss the times when my school used to have the Valentine's Day dedications for the everyone. So sweet...

Of course, I agree that Valentine's Day can also be a celebration of friendship, family, charity. But I still think it's focused on the LOVE between 2 special ones, opposite, and yet are meant for each other. That's the true meaning of it.

And to be honest, I am still thinking of her. I still remember how dumb I was to confess to her through MSN on Valentine's Night last year, and how regretted I am in doing so. Words can hardly express all the emotions and feelings towards her. It just complicated.

Never mind, time will tells as it goes. God, the source of all love, knows everything.

My thirst for LOVE can only be satisfied by my Lord.

Love you all!

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