May 10, 2008

Love & Hate in bank

I am not talking about services in the bank. I am talking about what machines I love and hate to use. Which I think many of us use them often too.

For goodness sake I really love to use this.


Once I let this "eat" my money, I know my $$$ is safe and sound. Even if the bank is robbed. And the figures in my account passbook will become really "beautiful." Hehehe...

I maybe poor after using that, but in reality I am rich. Wahahaha...

However I really hate this machine...

Freaking ATM!!

And it's everywhere!!!

I don't like to take out money you know!! With money in my wallet, I could be robbed anytime, anywhere!! So dangerous!!

Hehehe.... Just my little post of nothing. Hey everyone do have your own saving accounts so to keep your money really safe and save for our future.

God bless you all!

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