October 2, 2006

Carefree as usual

It's still, though schooling, very very free for me! Wakaka...

My class moved to the so-called "refugee camp" in block C today to give our class for PMR. How's my friends perform in PMR? Curious to know how they have been doing in it, especially those old friends at Chung Hua and different schools in Miri.

That "refugee camp" is not very bright at my place, so I need to open the window. Surprisingly, no one told me to close it, since the air-cond is simply not cold enough. As usual, I went on speeding and GOT HIGH AGAIN in the Add Maths frenzy. Tried to sleep but simply can't, don't know why since I slept late tonight.

Me at "refugee camp." You can see, even in bright morning, it still looks very dark.

Why I slept late last night? I went upstairs, lying on my bed, but didn't sleep at instance. My brain recalled about the past events, especially the sweet memories of last year. My mind flied across the dreams, that I expressed to my Lord several months ago. I also recalled how my Lord touched me at certain times, from I was born until now. And how much grace I have received from him, of course, through the intercession of Mother Mary. It's simply so satisfying and enjoying to recall them, which I appreciate it, deep from my heart. My mind keep recalling until I fell asleep.

Back to today, being forced only to went back home at 2, I went chatting with the sister-like Susie and Siew Kee at bus stop non-stop. Glad they are quite open for me to poke into the gender topics, and you all know what were they. However, they are really reluctant to face the camera.

After that, together with Mum, both of us take a passport size at a photo shop at Centre Point. Here's my passport photo, which hopefully on my passport.

Nice or not? Personally I feel not very nice because it only covers my head only. Haih, no point wear so smart that time.

LOL, my previous picture is definitely much more good looking then this. But, I cannot complaint much. It's there, so take it.

Back home, sleep, eat and pray. Then blog and play. Susies's SMS about she was having my favourite McDonald's sundae is a bit teasing, and make me jealous. LOL. Haha, even Dad reminding me to sleep at 2300, I still have no idea when to sleep.

Let Jesus guides me for the night then! And today, in this memorial of Guardian Angels, I hope my angel in heaven, will keep intercede and bring my prayers to altar of God Most High.

I dare to dream, and dare to realise it. Can you?

Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

The Raving Classmate said...

lol, maybe you should go out with susie one day and share a sundae with her. Hek Hek Hek.