December 9, 2009

Jambu – very good :)

My mum harvested some jambu (rose apple in English, but let’s just call it jambu) in the wilderness somewhere behind my house compound.

Erm, not some, but for me, it’s quite a lot. Hehe…


Not including some more to be harvested in the future. There’s still so damn more on the tree. :)

I really like this fruit la because it’s one of the juiciest fruit you can find on planet earth. Plus, you can eat it just like that! No skinning at all required. Sometimes, you can just pluck it and eat it! Hehe…


Sliced jambu with my sister eating noodles and reading newspapers…

Jambu is one of the my favourite fruits of all time. After all, I am constantly ordered to EAT EAT EAT FRUITS AT ALL TIME by my mum. If jambu or mangoes, I take it gladly. If like durians, papaya, I feel really sick and grudgingly eat them. I am so choosy hmmm…

God bless you all!

1 comment:

Charlyn said...

my fav too ;)