September 26, 2010

Got a new watch =D

I have started my search of a new watch ever since my last one failed big time during my flight back to Perlis.

Watch is very indispensable time-keeping tool. Forget about mobile phone, watch is THE ONLY thing that can tell you the time, when you need it the most.

So, after searching high-and-low throughout the state of Perlis, I finally settled for this baby.

Packed nicely in a lush box. See it's CASIO Edifice series.
It may be cheap, but no play play one haha

Tada.... I really like it. Simplistic and yet so stylish. No cheap plastic feel.

I also bought myself a very cool shirt at Padang Besar earlier on.

I was so happy to grab this imitated Red Bull Racing team shirt. While I may not drink Red Bull often (prefer coffee anyway), the brand really fascinates me. Red Bull Racing is also doing good in Formula 1 now, so I like that team, apart from Lotus.

With only 40 bucks, I think it's a great value, considering it could be up to 400 bucks if I buy the original ones. Hmmm

We tried to make it like a "presentation" lol

A supporter of Red Bull Racing, trying to look cool.
GO GO GO! Come on Mark! Come on Sebastian!

Hopefully these will at least make my life a little bit better. However, God remains the ONLY source of true happiness.

God bless you all. Signing off.

Some junkyard

My friends and I visited a junkyard, on the very day most of us just arrived back from our respective hometowns.

All for doing the safety project and presentation AT THE VERY LAST MINUTE.

Thanks to the Indian owner, and my friend's politeness and their Tamil language skills, we gained EXCLUSIVE uncensored access. 

From the outside

Lots of aluminium cans, nicely packed into giant sacks.

Disused, written-off electrical appliances are all here.

Excavator is ready to smash everything in front of him.

A mountain of scraps.

Some wooden planks above a fish-breeding pool.

Piles of papers. So wasteful, yet someone else saw gold.

A dog lies down in peace. 

Another disused taxi car out there.

Inside a totally crapped car. Parts are all stripped down bare.

Luckily we managed to finish this project from zero in just a night. I think we did well in our presentation as well. So, kudos to my partners for their hard work.

Life keeps going on. God bless you all.

Meals I had on my way back to "jail", keep eating

2-week-holiday just flew by very fast. Too fast, I have to say.

Before I knew it, I simply had to board the plane back to the place, where life is good, but studies are not good.

This is not to say I am getting pessimistic about my study place or whatever. I am just saying the harsh realities that I really need the strength to face them all.

Before all, eat first. This was what I pre-order on that flight.

It is chicken nasi briyani with some special sauce, added with some 100ml of water. This tasted not bad. It was a desperate attempt to make my Air Asia flight a bit more like MAS flight.

When I arrived in LCCT, my glutton urged me to have another meal in McDonald's.

I took the large set because I wanted to try the Cheese McShaker. It turned out to be a spectacular BIG FAIL. I was even more disappointed that the fries given is nowhere near LARGE portion. Sigh.

Show you another food taken in Perlis.

It's black-pepper chicken with rice, added with an egg and ice water. The chicken itself was so-so, but with RM6, I expect some more portions really. I could have simply opt for something more standard in KFC hmmmm...

Yea eating can be very therapeutic, don't you think?

God bless you all. Don't eat too much.

September 14, 2010

Fr. Stan and Prof. Rice youth rally 2010

It was awesome experience. Even though with some hiccups, it was still very much enjoyable.

Even though at times I didn't like the excessive jumping that makes no sense at all, I still content with what I had been though the rally.

The picture may suggest that I looked bored, but NO NO NO I was good. Haha

As the title said, the rally had 2 awesome speakers.

Fr. Stan Fortuna, a Franciscan priest from Bronx, New York. He has traveled around the world, preaching Gospel in his special ways.

He makes hip hop, rap and rock a more soul-moving instrument to bring us closer to God's most infinite love. It's his 3rd year in a row that he came here, and the youths are just loving it.

Another one of Prof. Robert "Bob" Rice, a professor from Steubenville, Ohio. He is more into country music, and more into bringing Catechism in a more youth-friendly way.

In a theme of "Home Run" (yeah kinda sounds like baseball), both of them presented more on the journey towards Heaven, the eternal home. On how we should ever be faithful and loving towards God and one another.

The Master of Ceremonies throughout the rally... like him or hate him, he's loved by God. :)

There was a concert as well, and my brother and I were so "privileged" to have a front seat.

Really cool, aside from the problematic sound system. Share with you a cool video.

It's really a shame that we cannot took part in photo sessions because we were urgently called back to depart to Sibu.

Anyhow, it's still a good experience. Kudos to all in organizing committee, music ministry, 2 great speakers, and above all, PRAISE AND THANK GOD for everything.

God bless you all!

September 9, 2010

Not-so-happy Air Asia reminder

You always make this kind of face in an Air Asia flight.

Simply because you need to pay, pay and PAY MORE.

Luckily I paid nothing for baggage this time. But still I was still unhappy because of this.

I wonder whose elbow is so sharp that could make a hole in this arm-rest.

It's still OK even if one has sharp elbow, but why Air Asia does NOT fix it? I was really puzzled to see this, let alone putting my arms on arm-rest. Grrr

As usual, it's a sold-out flight.

"Hot seats" - certain special seats - are labeled with red head-covers. Otherwise, it was still same-old-stuffs and chaos. Hmmmm

That's all my rants. God bless.

September 8, 2010

Get Maxis Broadband :)

I subscribed to Maxis Broadband about 3 months earlier, thanks to their very good promotion.

NO NO NO free T-shirt la, but I do get a free modem, which is pretty cool. =)

For these 3 months, my experience with Maxis is pretty pleasant. Not much users around Kuala Perlis and Kangar really made it a super-power in browsing the web.

Just that don't get over the data quota. Haha. For 38 bucks per month (after rebate of 30 bucks which I have paid earlier for 5 months), it's a fantastic deal.

Even more awesome, that modem is automatically and natively compatible with Linux. WOW.

So, get one now. It's simply the best mobile broadband. :) but still cannot beat streamyx la :P

God bless you all!